Celebrate Your Daily Leadership Moments

I recently re-watched a great TED Talk by Drew Dudley called Everyday Leadership. If you haven’t yet seen it, it’s 6 minutes worth watching! Here’s the punch line of his very funny story…sometimes the most meaningful impact you’ll have on someone’s life is something you don’t even remember doing.

I won’t spoil the ending, but Drew shares a humorous account of how a fairly random but friendDrew_Dudley.pngly action he took years earlier had an enormous impact on a stranger’s life. It’s a meaningful parable we should all keep in mind.

Being a leader is not about occupying the corner office. Being a leader is not about having the most impressive title. No. Being a leader is about putting yourself out there in service to others.

You never know who you might meet at just the right time at just the right place. So the more frequently you can exhibit behaviors associated with being a leader, the more impact you are likely to have on the world…whether you ever know it or not!


Brett Cooper

Brett is the visionary President of Integris Performance Advisors, a professional development firm he co-founded to expand the existence of healthy organizations and great places to work. By creatively bringing together concepts from The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (by Patrick Lencioni), The Leadership Challenge (by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner), and Lean Six Sigma, Brett and his team have influenced thousands of people in government, non-profits and corporate America to work together in more productive, more effective and more human ways. Outside of his role at Integris, Brett dedicates time to serving others in need. He is a volunteer coordinator for the East Bay Stand Down and Stand Down on the Delta, two non-profits serving the needs of San Francisco’s homeless Veteran population. He is also board member and financial sponsor for Partners in Sustainable Learning, whose mission is to bring early childhood education to marginalized communities in the developing world (current projects are underway in Nepal).