A Great Big Thank You to the Wiley Partner Care Team

Here’s a big thank you to the wiley partner care team for being customer service super heroes!

For the past year or so I’ve relied heavily on help from others as I become accustomed to this job, this company, and the requirements of both. A large part of that has been the assessments that we use, including Everything DiSC and The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team. These are both run from one side of Wiley, with Partner Care being their support team. And let me tell you, their customer service is off-the-charts fantastic.

Right now, Wiley is hosting MindLab 2017 in Atlanta, GA. The managing partners at Integris are both there, where they have the opportunity to learn more about the products and network with other authorized partners for the brands.

I am unable to be there. But since I’m not there, I’m going to take the opportunity to send a shout out to Wiley’s Partner Care team, thanking them for their help. They are always responsive and always looking for ways that we can work together to provide the best end result to our customers. I would not be as successful at my job if I didn’t have their team to rely on when I have questions and need assistance – no one succeeds in a vacuum.

So thank you Partner Care for being super heroes of customer service!

Super Heroes



Samantha Kerrigan